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Texas Spiny lizard?

22 13:24:50

Texas Spiny Lizard?
Texas Spiny Lizard?  
QUESTION: My son found this lizard on a pallet at work. Can you identify it for us so we can make sure it gets proper care? When he found it yesterday, it was tan with brown markings. When he got home from work today it was blackish with darker markings. Is color changing normal also? We think it may be a Texas Spiny Lizard. Thank you for your time and consideration to this e-mail.

ANSWER: If you want the "proper care", take it back and let it go.

Yes, color changing like you described is "normal"...Normal in lizards that are highly stressed and will probably die of captive induced stress/immuno-compromise. Darkening skin is precursor in this case to illness.  

Take it back.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: First, thank you for your quick response. I guess I didn't give you enough information. The lizard was found INSIDE a distribution center from inside a wrapped pallet and is NOT a native lizard to our area. Releasing it would only impend certain doom. Do you have any other suggestions as to what we should do? We've had anoles and an iguana before and we were looking to find out what type of lizard this is to set up a tank with substrate that closely resembles his native environment.

Yes I know its not a lizard native to your area and that it would spell doom, which is why when you tell someone you found a lizard, it's important
to give the relevant details. Had you mentioned that I would not have advised to take it back where it was found.

Yes, this is a Texas Spiny Lizard. Appears to be female. She also appears to be a bit thin due to her ordeal, but due to the stress of all this, recovery needs to done cautiously. Not fattened up rapidly using bad fatty foods. Offer plenty of warm water soaks first.

The assessment gets better. Based on the one photo, she appears to be gravid, so you will have to study up on providing her plenty of space with a variety of suitable places to layy eggs, and then you will need to incubate them. Send a larger variety of pics to my email adrress so I can try to confirm that she is gravid. You can find my website in my info here, or search facebook for wichita falls reptile rescue.

I will caution that spiny lizards don't make good tank captives, particularly wild ones about to have babies. Get at least a 55gal. or a large screened in habitat. They like to climb and don't feel safe unless they can and have plenty of places to hide.