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Beardie stool change

22 14:18:24

Hi Tracie,
My generally healthy baby (about 6 inches long..not sure of age, bought by
son at pet store) has had very orange, and more wet stools recently.  One day
this week it completely looked like carrots. He is eating more carrots now
than before, could this be causing the change?  I have not noticed a change
in smell.  They are a bit larger stools also.  We feed him crickets, meal
worms, carrots, kale, and mashed beardie pellets occasionally. Keep trying
other fruits and veggies, but he's as picky as his 10 year old owner.
Thanks for you help!

Hello Laura,

The carrots are making the stools become orange due to the beta carotene.  While they are healthy, they should not be fed as sole staples, due to the higher oxalate counts. Kale is not a highly recommended as a staple green because it is high in oxalates too.  The mealies are ok, but should not be fed daily due to the higher fat content in them & the chitin or harder outer shell which can cause impaction especially in younger dragons.
Here is a chart for feeding that really helps with the foods that can or can't be fed:     Click on the nutrition link

The best green staples are mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, escarole, endive, rocket.  The best veggies are normally the varieties of squash work well.
The pellets are fine, as long as he gets live feeders daily too.  He needs the opportunity to be fed at least 2 times daily with fresh greens & veggies daily.

Take the carrots out & replace with something else to see if the stool changes any.  I bet it does.  :-))
