Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > TO many follow ups again :-)

TO many follow ups again :-)

22 14:17:25

QUESTION: Sorry i had to start a new thread again.  Ok so today we are going to give him a bath and give him the food.  We have somebaby food of squash that we will give to him we dont have pumpkin pie so if this dosent work we will try that also.  if not we have to take him to the vet so they can shoot stuff up his butt so he can poop i think its called like an enmima or somehting.  I let you know how it goes.

ANSWER: Hello Josh,

Yes, let me know how everything is going!  
I hope that he enjoys the babyfood today.  Make sure that if you do get the pumpkin, that it is sugar free pie filing.  The enema should be the LAST resort for him, ok?  They are hard on them, & not very comfortable, either.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK so the bath and everything went fine today and it turns out we did have the pie but it wasnt sugar free.  Is it bad if it isnt?  We gave him about 2to3 ml of it.  How long should i give him to poop until i call the vet.  if he doesnt poop should i do it again or if it doesnt work it doesnt work?.

ANSWER: Hello Josh,

Well, you don't want to get too much sugar into him but a little bit is ok.  
How is he doing today?  The 2-3 mls is pretty decent.  We need to figure out why he would be impacted in the first place so we can fix the problem.
He is getting adequate calcium correct?  
He has good UVB lighting now, correct?
I would give him a little longer, but if you feel it is becoming a problem & he is not eating, then you should take him in case he is impacted.  An x-ray would determine an impaction.  

Keep me posted.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok so i did the bath but not the food today cause he hissed at me and would have none of it but he really like me mashoshing his belly it settles him down so i do think he is a little uncofertable. We called the vet and have an appoitnment tommaor.  I also got him to eat some greens and some apples so hopefull he will poop and we wont have to go to the vet.  I will let you know how the vet check up goes.

Hello Josh,

Oh poor thing.  I hope he feels better soon.  Maybe he will go to the bathroom before going to the vets tomorrow.
Let me know how things go for you if you do go to the vets.  Are you getting an x-ray?
Great he ate some greens & some apples, maybe that will help.
