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baby wild gecko

22 14:46:21

My son has a leopard gecko that we purchased at a pet store about 4 years ago and have had no problems, we love him. To day at my parents house, my son found a baby lizard that looks exactly like his older gecko. Are these geckos the same as what they sell in stores and do i take care of it the same way? It is very small but looks the exact same.  I put him in an aquarium with bedding and a light, water and housing but do i feed it crickets and mealworms like his other one? Please help as this baby is very cute and we want to take care of it.

If it looks exactly like the one you have, treat it the same way, except make sure the crickets and mealies are very small, no larger than the space between his eyes.  Phoenix worms would be an excellent sized food for a baby as it is a high calcium, soft bodied worm.
Since I don't know where you are, it would be hard to tell where this baby came from.  It may have escaped from another owner.