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Veitnamese Golden Gecko Training

22 14:32:29

We have an adult Veitnamese Golden Gecko and he is very people shy. Is there anything we can do to train him to be more people-friendly?

 Golden geckos don't really like being handled much, unlike some others like the leopard gecko.  The best way to get a golden to tolerate even minimal handling is always slow and steady.  Talk to him frequently in a low soft voice, put your hnd in the habitat, and always have something like a treat in it, a juicy worm or yummy insect. Let him get used to the scent of your hand.  When you do pick him up, never pick him up from above because tha is what predators do, always scoop from below.  It will be hard with this species and understand that you will probably be bitten once in a while.  Just take it very slow.