Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Unknown Snake.

Unknown Snake.

22 13:35:28

QUESTION: I found this snake near my house in Central Iowa, and I'm not really sure what it is.  It's about 4 feet long and maybe 2 inches wide.  I'm thinking it's some breed of water snake, but it was found more than 3 miles from the nearest creek or river.  Any ideas?

ANSWER: Hi Kris:
Sorry, I need a picture of color and pattern design.  I could have been someones escaped cobra or a corn snake, I really can't be of service to you with out a detailed description or picture.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: o.O  I attached a picture.  Here, try this.  

Pic 1 -

Pic 2-

Pic 3-

Dear Kris:

I am so sorry, I had my screen on 150% and did not see your picture.  It's a Northern Water snake, (Nerodia sipedon), a non venomous common water snake.  At times for what ever reason these snakes will up and leave their habitat to find a better location.  I am guessing that it is spring, and this guy was looking for a young lady snake to romance or a larger male chased him out of his location.
If you decide to move it, wear a thick pair of gloves, the species word "sipedon" is Latin for decompose, purify, rot!  referring to the possible results of a bite.  They often have bacteria in their mouth's that cause infection.
They require quiet water with abundant brush along the banks and heavy vegetation growing in the water.  They feed on fish, frogs and an occasional mouse.  They make bad pets, they require an exact habitat and are very messy snakes.

Again, I am sorry I did not see the picture the first time, I have only been up for ten or so minutes.
