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how old my leopard gecko is

22 14:27:21

is there anyway to tell how old my leopard gecko is? plus if i make to many changes to his cage at once will he get stressed out and not come out of his hide?

Hello Austin,

No it is pretty hard to determine the age.  How long is he?  Full grown ones are roughly 10 inches long or so maybe 11 & usually weigh around 85+ grams.  
They also don't shed quite as often as babies & juvies because they are full grown.
Well, yes if you change his tank around small or large changes, it will stress him somewhat.  They are very sensitive to their surroundings.  IF you set it up exactly how his tank is now it will minimize it.  Also, maybe try to get his scent rubbed into the new tank to help him get accustomed to it better.
