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eastern creek bearded dragon

22 13:27:36

We have a 9 month old Eastern Creek Bearded Dragon and he seems to have a green patch on his back as of a couple of days ago. As he doesnt usually have this we were wondering if there was any cause for this?????....Thanking You

Hi Niomi,
It can be his adult colors coming in as many can/do have a variety of colored splotches on their backs.  
Without seeing a picture, chances are its just his colors.  
Other causes are possible of course, such as a bruise(yes, their bruises can look different color), or the start of a bacterial or fungal infection.  Its important to keep an eye on it to see if it changes in size, shape or texture.  If it becomes raised or odd looking in some way, then a vet is needed to find the cause.
If it is normal colors, of course it won't go away...if it is a bruise, then it will fade.
As with anything with reptiles, it is very important to keep an eye on any changes with them as they are very good at hiding problems.
It is a good idea to actually measure the area that is in question and even take pictures of it..always from teh same angle, distance, etc so that you can compare it to spot any changes.
The most concerning change would be it becoming raised, open in any way and of course oozing some type of fluid out of it...any of those changes would require immediate vet attention.