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snapping turtle

22 15:00:31

I have a snapping turtle and I was wondering how big it would get in captivaty and how long it will live.

Hey Robert,
There are two genera of snapping turtles each with a single species, Macroclemys temminckii and Chelydra serpentina. The Alligator and Common Snapping Turtles . I will confine this answere to Common Snapping Turtles. My Latin interpretation of the name Chelydra serpentina is Serpent Turtle (surprise!). This is undoubtedly due to their long neck and fast strike capability. There are 4 subspecies recognized by both Pritchard and Iverson. I've had at least two if not three of the subspecies pass though my hands and they all seem to have similar characteristics (aggressive, mean and dangerous), so I will not make distinctions between subspecies here. I don't want to paint the wrong picture because these are truly amazing (and beautiful) creatures, but they are certainly dangerous to handle, so treat them with respect if you ever have to handle one. now for size the average is 30lbs. but 40-60lbs is not uncommon. ive personally seen a 75 for life span 30-40 years.

          well i hope this helpful