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Uromastyx with crusty lips

22 11:51:15

My Mali Uromastyx Lizard,Leo, has a white,hard, and thick crust around his mouth. He has had it for six months. We have brought him to two vets, and he has had a biopsy. The biopsy showed no sign of bacteria or fungus.  Leo is very active and has a great personality. His lips don't seem to bother him, but it bothers me. Have you heard of this before?

Yes I have seen this before!!  It could be the way your little guy extracts salt from his body.  Sometimes we see this around the nostrils.  U can try soaking him every couple of weeks in warm water and this may make the crusties come off.  Otherwise, there is nothing u can do.  I know it is unsightly but if it doesnt bother ur little guy, leave it alone.  Im sorry i could not help u further.  Good luck with Leo!!