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Bearded dragon is very sick

22 11:51:15

My bearded Devon hasn't been eating for a few days and he keeps his eyes shut the whole time.I have been soaking him in warm water for a couple days .I flushed his eyes with eye drops and saline solution for contact lens . He usually lives outside in a cage but when it's cold or rainy  I bring him in!! What can I do ?

Hi Alexis,

Keeping him hydrated is a good step. Sick reptiles often have closed eyes as a general symptom. It doesn't necessarily mean that there is something wrong with their eyes.

You mentioned his outside cage which is great for natural sunlight but can come with risks. If the enclosure is glass then that can quickly overheat, especially in Florida. Fireflies are another danger. They are very toxic to beardeds and some other reptiles.

His situation may also have nothing to do with being outside. Beardeds commonly have small numbers of intestinal parasites but sudden "flare ups" of these parasites can cause the symptoms you describe, lethargy, lack of feeding and generally looking sick. Coccidia is probably the most common along with pinworms (not the human infecting type of pinworm).

Because it is so common with beardeds it is usually the first thing to investigate when a dragon becomes ill but you will need to see a vet for diagnosis and treatment.

In the meantime you can  provide supportive care such as keeping him hydrated and making sure his temperature gradient is correct ( a 100F hot spot and a cooler spot in the low 80'sF). The correct temperature will help boost his immune system to fight off any other type of infection he might have. You can also try offering a bit of chicken based baby food by dabbing a bit on his snout or getting a small amount in his mouth with an eye dropper.