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Leopard Gecko Poop

22 11:50:34

Hi Thea,
I have a juvenile leopard gecko that is about 5 inches long. For some reason, she has refused to eat for a week. This morning, she gave me greenish fecal matter. What are the reasons why a leopard gecko would have green poop? Also, there is a liquid, almost watery circle surrounding her poop. What is that? Is this normal?

Hi Michael,

Green faeces is often a result of some type of enteritis, either bacterial or protozoal. There is usually some clear fluid expelled with normal droppings. However, if it was a large amount of water that passed then she may not be re-absorbing fluid from her intestine effectively. That is a side affect of intestinal inflammation. The lack of appetite is another common symptom.

I would really suggest you try to get a faecal sample into the vet for a microcopic exam. A refrigerated sample is best. Try or the ARAV (Association of Reptile and Amphibian Vets) sites to locate a reptile vet near you.

If you are not near a reptile willing vet then even a vet who does not treat reptiles should be able to perform the exam and make a basic identification.  The required meds and dosage information can be easily found on-line or they can get a phone consult with a reptile vet.

Meanwhile, make sure the warm end of her enclosure is in the 90 - 95F range. This is the upper end of the optimal range and can help boost her immune system.