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constipated gecko

22 13:27:50

We have a 3 year old leopard gecko who hasn't pooped in 7 days.  We moved her cage just before this; changes to her environment have caused this before, but never for more than 3 or 4 days.  She has been eating normally (1-2 crickets per day).  

She does have calcium sand at the cool end of her cage, but most of it is reptile carpet.  The temperature range changed from 75-85 to 80 - 90 also, since moving the tank.  She seems to have a very faint bluish line down her tummy, also.  

I can't get in to see a reptile vet until Tuesday.  They recommended a warm soak and timy amount of olive oil--the soak seemed to really stress her out and she has not interest in the oil.

Thanks you SO much for this service!!

Hello Megan,

Have you seen her ingest any of the calcium sand at all?  
Are you using an undertank heater at the warmer end of the tank, along with a basking light?  What type of thermometer do you use, a stick on type, a digital probe or a temp gun?  

are you providing calcium powder for her at least 3 times per week, or do you leave a dish of calcium powder in the tank for her?

I would give canned pumpkin, sugar free applesauce, & squash babyfood along with a couple drops of olive or mineral oil to her through a syringe or dropper.  If you cannot get her mouth open, you will need to get a swab, & get her mouth open & gently get it into her!  Just be careful not to hurt her mouth.

Let me know how she is doing.  Do not feed any crickets or worms until she goes to the bathroom.
