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eggs again

22 14:35:40

Hi Diane. My female leopard gecko just laid her second batch of 2 eggs. However, she didn't lay it in the incubations, she laid it on the warm spot of the tank. So my question is this, how long can the eggs live without any water and with 86 degrees Fahrenheit? I immediately put the two eggs in the incubation with 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 72 percent humidity. Is it possible for the two eggs to still survive? Please help me. Thanks so much and sorry to bother you.

Hi Chris,
Its really hard to tell for sure....if the eggs look ok....and you did not turn them at all, they should be will have a better idea in a few days as to the condition of the eggs. As to the 86 temperature isn't really a problem.....
You may want to go over the info at  again...just to refresh your memory on all of it.  Good Luck!!!!