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What type of lizard do i have?

22 15:01:09

Hi, I live in Woodbridge Virginia (about 26 miles south of DC. I found a lizard in a wooded area, he is about 5 inches long ( 3 inches body, 2 inches tail), is bron in clolor, and has a blue-green color under his neck and on the sides of his belly. He has pointy-like scales and just recently the middle part of his belly has turned white. I took him to a pets store to find out what he was but they were unable to identify him, whether or not it was because he is rare or just lack of knowledge in reptiles i do not know. They just told me that it was not the type of lizard you would find outside like that. But, I was hoping you would be able to identify him for me or at least narrow it down in any way.

It sounds to me like you might have an Eastern Six-Lined Racerunner (Cnemidophorous sexlineatus sexlineatus) but I'd have to see a photo to know for sure.  If you look at this web address :  you can try to identify him yourself.

If you have any care questions about your new pet (temprature requirements, the importance of a 2:1 calcium:phosphorous ratio, why you have to have a UVB lamp, etc.,) please don't hesitate to ask.  

Enjoy your baby, and good luck with him!