Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded Dragon Illness?

Bearded Dragon Illness?

22 13:26:40

My bearded dragon has suddenly develpoed an illness. She has swollen runny eyes and a swollen neck.
From what i've read it may be Vitamin A toxicity?? She only eats green salads and locusts. She was totally fine yesterday and now looks rather ill

ANSWER: Hello Donna,

I believe that I saw your post on!  
That is fine, this sounds like a serious condition.  Can you send some pictures for me to see your girl?  
The locusts, are they store bought or wild caught?  Could something have bitten her or could she have eaten a bad locust or something else toxic?
What type of substrate do you have her on, sand, tiles, paper towels?
Do you use a UVB light & if so, what type & brand do you use?  A fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your reply. Yes, I also posted on the forum!
I've not changed anything in her set-up and have used the same store for her bulbs/food since I got her 2.5yrs ago.
It's a repti-glo or reptisun 10 tube light (can't remember which one) and a bark substrate.
I don't think she could have been bitten
The locusts are store bought.
She was out of her tank a couple of days ago and walked under my bed which is rather dusty.......could that be a cause?
I have a vet nearby so I'll call him this morning and take her along.
I'm not sure how to upload photos on here as I'm using my phone to post this. I'll have a look on my laptop and post pics here or on the forum.
Thanks for taking the time to reply :)

ANSWER: Hello Donna,

How old is the Reptisun 10 that you are using?  Check for me to be sure of the brand of the tube bulb.  If the bulb is older than 6-8 months then it most likely is not putting out any UVB at all.
Ok, then we can rule out her being bitten then.  I don't think dust would cause the swelling like that.  
Good, the locusts sound like they should be safe then.  
If she is not getting enough UVB lighting then she could be developing metabolic bone disease or maybe hypervitaminosis from poor absorption.
You can send pictures to me at:

How is she doing today?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

It's a Repti-glo 10.0 and it's no more than 4 months old. We make sure we change it regularly.
I took her to the vet yesterday who did blood tests. She was slightly anaemic and slightly dehydrated but everything else was normal. She now has anti-inflammatory medicine to take and we've to put her in a shallow bath for 10 mins per day.
The thing I'm finding strange is that while she was at vet and on the way home she really perked up and was moving around in the box. Once I got her back into her tank, she seems to have deteriorated again.
She is almost motionless at the moment and I think her eyes are so swollen they won't open now. She is only taking 1 breath around every 10 seconds and I'm really worried about her.
Vet has said to take her back in 7 days if she's not improved.
I will get a new UVB bulb today to be on the safe side.
Ps: I've emailed pics

Hello Donna,

Thanks for the pictures, I appreciate it.
Good that you are getting another light.  Were you able to find the Reptisun 10 tube bulb?  If not, you should be able to find the Arcadia D3 12% light there, in the tube bulb.  Those are very good.  
I believe that she probably has a couple of things going on, vitamin & calcium problems and probably some metabolic bone issues going on.

I will email you this evening also.
