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Why wont my red tail boa eat regularly?

22 15:01:18

Thank you so much!  I'm going to answer your email bit by bit.
I'm not sure if she was captive bred or not. I can't remember what they told us.  I will keep the temp monitored more closely.

I had not been monitoring her humidity level, but I went out and got a spray bottle today and sprayed down her cage, including her and she uncurled and was flicking her tongue and let me pet her. She has now curled back up in her hiding spot on her basking side. I have a plastic log on her basking side and some green foilage by her water dish. I will get a humidity detector as soon as I can.

As for the substrate, we use the green carpeting that the store recommended. Should we be using something else? I always change the green carpeting at each feeding and wash it out real well and usually after a bowel movement I replace it completely. (The bowel movements kinda make me queasy, but I'm that way about that kind of stuff).

regularly make a decent, if not always aesthetically pleasing, bedding.  
As for feeding her, we have always had a feeding box. I always put the mouse in first. I never directly touch it, I just drop it out of the plastic baggie directly into the box. (We use a rubbermaid box with a handled lid)> it isn't opaque. should i cover it? Most times she takes several hours to eat and I just realized that may be because it is not opaque. I think I will try covering her with a towel and see if that helps. I hadn't thought of that.

We took her to a vet when we first got her but because of the location of the vet and where we live and our work schedules it has been difficult to take her back for a parasite check (we also never could seem to catch her feces when it was still fresh and for a long time she was doing the deed in her water bowl and we didn't realize we could still take it in) but my boyfriend is coming home from deployment soon and will be on leave for several weeks so hopefully he can take her during that time.

Thank you for the links. I'm definitely going to bookmark them. I really appreciate all your help!


Well, I would definately switch to cypress mulch for two reasons:  First, it will control the humidity better.  Second (and probably just as importantly in your case) you can just dump the whole mess out into the trash every time she uses the restroom.  Cypress mulch will also do a better job of keeping the odor from her fecal matter down and it won't be quite so visible (so your cage won't look super icky as soon as she uses the restroom).  

Putting a towel over her feed box is probably a very good idea, and if you've been feeding her during the day it couldn't hurt to wait until it's dark outside to put her and her dinner in the feed box.

If none of this works and the vet declares her parasite free, you might also try offering different sizes or types of prey.  Some snakes love mice and hate rats and some are the exact opposite.  Some snakes prefer several small meals while others would rather have one larger meal.  

If things don't improve over the next few weeks, send me another message and I'll see if we can figure out some other things for you to try.  :)  

Best of luck with your baby!