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Our Uromastix is Dying-how to comfort it

22 14:18:24

Our uromastix is about 2-3 years old and we noticed he has stopped eating
and is pooping all over himself.  He no longer stays in his cave but lays
outside it all day not moving.  He hasn't eaten is about a week and is losing a
lot of weight.  Is there anything we can do to help him feel more comfortable?  
We feel like we should put him out of his misery but we want to know
anything we can try first.  (PS we cleaned his tank 200 gallons right before he
got sick-we didn't use any soap or cleaning products, just rinsed the soap
and put it back, could that have caused this?)

I am so sorry to read about your Uromastic

Have you taken him into see a vet yet?

He may just need some meds to help him get better

The is a possibility that he has picked up an internal parasite and needs needs to get rid of them and that he can make a full recovery

Or he could have  bacterial infection and that can also be treated-only a vet can make that determination and treat him accordingly

If the vet were to determine that he is dying then he can humanely put him to sleep him for you

I wish you the best with him

Sandy aka LadyGecko