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bullfrogs + red eared sliders

22 14:18:25

i have 2 baby bull frogs and 2 baby red ear sliders.  the turtles are only about  2 inches or less in size and the bullfrogs are about 2-3 inches.  if i put them together in the same tank, will anything bad happen?  i just want to be sure before i really do put them together. thank you.

Hello Matt,

I highly suggest that you don't mix the two species, it can be dangerous.

Red Ear Sliders do eat meat and have been known to eat frogs, it would be difficult due to the size of the bullfrogs but fighting can definitely occur. Not to mention the different enclosure requirements. That and the spreading of disease is something you would have to be careful of. Some diseases that the turtles may have in their system that they are immune to, may not be so good for the frogs and vice versa.

There are too many risks in mixing the two species so I highly recommend you house them separately.

Good luck-