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feral Swifts; Blue-bellied or Fench Lizards

22 14:18:26

I live in Simi Valley, Southern California with our wonderful Mediterranean climate. We have a very nice, protective yard and healthy populations of lizards (one up to 14" long), Praying Mantis',Hummingbirds and more that I haven't discovered yet. The biggest nuisance are the winds and, right now it has dropped to the low 40's F with rain. I want to learn how to be the best steward to my fellow dwellers. What can I provide for these 3 species to protect them from the elements and best aide them in surviving so that they will continue eating Black Widows and Aphids and just generally flying around looking beautiful?

Dennis, I'm not sure I follow your question.  Are these animals ones that you released into your yard?  If so, providing a heated shelter of some sort is probably all you'd need to do.  Even leaf litter or a few well placed pieces of roofing tin would do it.  If they are native to your area you shouldn't need to do anything.