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Anole traveling

22 13:25:10

QUESTION: Hi, I'm going on a trip in a couple of days and i was wondering if i could bring my Green Anole and Bahmana Anole. The trip will be a bout 5 hours and i don't know what to do with them.   Help?

ANSWER: Hello Rachel,

Well, that is a great question.  
Anoles stress easily.  I understand wanting to take them with you, completely.  
How long will you be gone on your trip?  What type of enclosure would you have for them on your trip?
If you can rig up a comfortable enclosure for them during the trip, with lighting, then, it would make it easier on them to travel & stay in the enclosure during the trip when you get there.

The main thing is to make sure that they cannot escape, & that they don't get overheated.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well The trip, Like being in the car, is for 5 hours I'll be staying at the place I'm going for a week. And i have a small critter cage that i got from Fin and Feather. i don't know what to do about the lighting. THANKS!!

Hello Rachel,

Well, don't worry about the lighting on the trip, just let them relax.  Just take the lights with you.  Do you use a basking light & a UVB light?  You can just take that with you while you are staying at your vacation spot.
The critter cage should be fine for transporting them.
