Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Leopard and African Fat-tails

Leopard and African Fat-tails

22 14:33:26

QUESTION: Can you breed a Male Leopard Gecko with a Female African Fat-tail Gecko.  is it possible for them to produce offspring.  i am doing a personal study on them i cant seem to find this answer.   thank you so much!

ANSWER: Hi Christopher,
It is possible that they breed but no eggs will produce. If the eggs do produce they will be infertile. Nobody has had success breeding these two different species. Their DNA is too different for them to reproduce. I hope that answered your question.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you know of any other species that can produce offspring with an African Fat-tailed Gecko, or is it only that specific species?  do you know of any studies pertaining to my question?  if there are i would like to read them and then maybe try to figure out different solutions.  thank you again for your time, and expertise!

Chris Vaughn

Hi Chris, no I haven't heard or read about any other species that can succesfully breed with an AFT Gecko. The DNA is just to specific in reptiles, just as humans can't reproduce with monkeys. If by chance you do find something that states that they can it would be great if you would send me the link or information. So I can be up to date with this topic.

Good luck,