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My baby bearded dragon is hurt, help Please!

22 14:53:10

I bought two bearded dragons a week a part. One was a boy and the other a girl. The boy grew alot bigger then the girl. The girl is the size of my pinky and very sweet. Just a few minutes ago he bit her toe really bad. I called all the vets that I can think of and none of them look at reptiles. She seems to be using her foot but her toe is definatly broken and bit. Please help me I am really scared that it is going to get infected. THANKYOU SO MUCH!

P.S. I do have them separated right now and the boy is about twice her size.


Dear Amanda,
thank you for your question.
There's not much you can do by yourself. Here are some websites that list herp vets, maybe there's one you can reach:

It's possible that the toe will heal by itself, but it's equally possible that it will become infected or gangreneous, so I really recommend seeing a vet even if the next herp vet is at a distance. Even a non-herp vet would do in this case.

You won't be able to reintroduce your dragons, the male would try to eat her sooner or later. Bearded dragons feed on anything that's smaller than themselves. Probably the female was dominated by him anyway and that's why she stayed so small. It's definitely possible that she will grow as big as the male, then you can introduce them again (clean you the enclosure and rearrange the furniture before you do that).
I hope I was of some help to you