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bearded dragon: molting and loss in color

22 14:22:14

My bearded dragon began molting around yesterday, but I also noticed that the reds in his color had turned brown about a week ago.He is only molting on his nose for now, but I was wondering if it was normal for bearded dragons to change in color when they molt. The beardy is now about a month old and around six and a half inches long. I love his colors, and the person who I bought him from (who was an expert on bearded dragons) told me that the redness in his skin would only get more vibrant. Is it natural for bearded dragons to change in color when they molt?

Hi Kate,  Yes, reptiles become very dull in colour just before they molt, usually darker or cloudy looking with muted colours. It is a visual effect caused by the old skin preparing to separate from the new skin beneath. The person was correct, his colours should become more pronounced as he matures.