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Bearded Dragon respitory infection

22 14:33:43

QUESTION: Hi, Our bearded dragon, Spike, is 5 yrs old and seems to have a respiratory infection.  We live in a small town.  Took him to our vet who knows a lot but is not a lizard specialist.  He put him on 5 shots of an antibiotic.  He does not seem to be getting better.  In fact now when he does it, which isn't much, he throws up the worms afterwards whole.  Our vet took an xray today and can't see anything wrong.  I think the antibiotic is bayatrol (sp?).  He gave us 3 more shots but this time with a steriod to help get him to eat.  He needs to be at an angle sleeping and stress brings on the gagging.
Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: Hello Darcy,

Ok, did the vet dose Spike according to his weight?  Do you know how much he gave him?  What type of steroid did he give him?
Baytril is a good medication & is the usual drug of choice.  
What type of basking light are you using right now & what are the temperatures in the tank?  What type of UVB are you using?  Is it a flourescent tube light or a compact or coil light?  How old is the light?
Do you supplement with calcium?  
One thing to remember, while he is on meds, you absolutely need to keep him more hydrated as the baytril is harsh on the system.  I would use some pedialyte mixed with water daily.  You can also get some bee pollen to help increase his appetite naturally.  Just mix a pinch of it with his water & pedialyte.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Tracie, Thank you so much for answering my questions.  Last night it occurred to me that maybe he doesn't have a respiratory infection  but an allergic reaction.  Our house is in the middle of a full on remodel.  There is product being used that I can feel in my own lungs and maybe that's what is happening to him.  What makes it worse is we allow him out of the cage quite a bit and there is lots of construction going on around his cage with stains and chemicals being used.  This morning I completely changed and cleaned his cage and moved it to a room where the changes were completed several weeks ago.  And I have a call back into my vet.  But to answer your questions he did weigh him to establish drug amount.  This time he added cortisone to perc up the appetite although I am thinking that the cortisone will also help with any allergy reaction symptoms.  His cage is 90+ degrees but he spends 1/2 his time out of it but in a room at 65 degrees +/-.  UV light (8 to 10 months old) plus a red light.  We have not been good with the calcium but better recently.  I will up his baths (he doesn't drink out of a bowl but will in his bath) and add pedialyte plus will find bee pollen tomorrow.  Thank you again.  Any and all help is appreciated.  We do love our Spike.

Hello Darcy,
What type of product is being used?  Could it be toxic to his system though?  Do try to keep him away from chemicals, it will harm him.  Has he been coughing or wheezing?
Good that he weighed him prior to medicating him.  Some do not!  
Ok, the UV light needs to be replaced it is way too old & is not putting any or very little UVB emissions out.  The 2 best ones are the Reptisun 10 or the Reptiglo 8.  Stay away from any ESU/Zilla lights or the Reptiglo 10 flourescent tube bulbs, or compacts they are bad bulbs.
The red light needs to be changed out as well.  It is not bright enough for him.  They don't do well with colored lighting.  Get a bright white light such as a halogen which is very bright.  You should see a huge difference with using a better basking bulb & getting a new UVB light too.
The bee pollen can be found at most healthfood stores or the pharmacy area of a grocery store.
The basking spot should be 95-105 & the cool area around 78-82.  The ambient temp of the tank should not exceed 85 or he wont be able to thermoregulate.
So place a halogen right beside the new UVB flourescent tube light on one end of your tank to help make a focused basking area so he can get warm & get UVB's at the same time.  Has he eaten?
