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Red Eye

22 14:33:42

I have a red eyed tree frog I got about a week and a half ago. The first night I had him he managed to escape his tank. I found him in the morning on my bedroom floor I placed him back in the tank and secured a new lid that fit very well. I keep his tank very clean but since 4/16/08 when I brought him home he hasn't eaten any crickets. He is bright green and sometimes turns dark brown and stays in one place for long amounts of time is this normal? Should I worry that he's not eating right now? I tried wiggling the cricket in front of him and he's not interested. I don't know what to do.

Hi Krista, Red eyes are very strongly nocturnal. Unless they are disturbed they will normally spend the entire day sleeping with their eyes closed and their legs tightly folded in. In fact one of the "red flags" that something may be wrong is to see them awake or in the water in the daylight. Mine do not start to wake up until 1 to 2 hours after the lights have gone out.  
It is quite normal for new arrivals to not eat for around a week or so after they arrive, until they settle in a feel secure in the new enclosure. Try to keep his stress levels low by disturbing his cage as little as possible for now except for water changes and do not handle him at all. It is natural to want to "do something" when you are worried but the best thing now is to do as little as possible and let him adjust.
I've included  a good link for general care of red eyes.