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Blue tongue slink

22 11:52:12

I was just wondering if my blue tongue is gravid.
She has gotten really fat the past 2 months and she's suddenly gone off eating,
I have had another blue tongue in with her for the past year, I Think it's male, he's just started to mature, he has a bigger head then her. They eat the same amount of food, but she's just gotten really fat.
Thank you ;)

Hi Kaitlyn,

They are prone to obesity but if you have been monitoring her food then weight gain and size change are two strong indicators. It is also still within normal birthing season for them, although nearing the end. Breeding may have taken place back around Oct/November and can be rough. Do you remember seeing any bite marks on the female from that time? That would be supporting evidence.

That's a funny thing about blue tongues. It should seem unlikely that a reptile can hide the fact that they are carrying several fully formed young and yet surprise litters are not uncommon.

The signs you have described for her do suggest that she could be gravid and the next few weeks will also answer the lingering question about your "male".
I hope that she is gravid. I have never bred BTS but did raise a litter of them several years ago and they were a joy.