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10 ish yr old female iguana

22 14:17:56

Hi. I am a bit concerned as my iguana has not seemed to have much appetite for about a week and a half. She is overall very healthy, the only concern ever has been the very tip of her tail breaking off. She usually has a big appetite, and eats quite a bit, her main diet is collard greens squash, and apples, which is supplemented wiht spinach and other greens and a large variety of fruits and vegetables. Lately she only eats a few bites instead of her bowlfull, and hardly touches the bananas that she usually goes nuts for. SHe is about 10 years old (possibly a bit older) and has never laid eggs before, but from my research this appears to be symptoms of an iguana who might be preparing ot lay eggs. Her abdominal area does not look at all swollen, and she looks normal aside from looking a bit skinny. Would an iguana that old lay eggs for the first time? Is there anything else that might be the matter? She has a basking heat lamp and a full spectrum light, however her lights have been off more than ususal lately because of holiday comings and goings (this never seemed to be an issue before...)Any suggestions?

Hello Jenny,

Why have her lights been off more due to the holidays? Since that has happened, perhaps she has not been warm enough to have much of an appetite.  Sometimes throwing their lighting schedule off will push them towards a brumation or a slow down phase.
What type & brand of UVB light are you using, is it a flourescent tube bulb or a compact or coil light?  How old is the UVB light you are using?
What type of basking light are you using, a bright white light or a colored light?
Are you supplementing calcium regularly?
They can lay eggs at that age.  The only way to determine if she is carrying infertile eggs in the early stage would be to get an ultrasound.
If it is later stage, an x-ray would pick up on eggs.  Has she been listless or had any type of restless behavior like digging, or acting frantic to get out of the tank?
How is her color?  
What do her stools look like?  
