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Top of head shedding

22 14:09:19

George has shed his whole body, but now the top of his head, and underside of head needs to shed. Spraying him hasn't helped with any of his shedding, but bathing him does help. I can't/won't hold his head under the water to help him shed it. Any ideas that will help him more. His head has been extremly pale for about 3-4 days now.

Hi Will,
3-4 days isn't all that long yet.  Give him some more time.  Sometimes it can take a week or more for the shed to loosen enough to come off.   Some people like to add some aloe vera to the water to mist them with and say it helps.  I just think its a little too soon yet.
You are right, you don't want to hold his head under water!!!
If there are areas that are a real problem once he does start to shed, you can apply some Vaseline to the stubborn areas.