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Gravid leopard gecko

22 13:26:10


Just a few things really, We got our female gecko(Lacey) about a year and half ago and recently got a male(Lenny) in Nov just gone. I have been doing allot of research just to ensure i have my knowledge before they breed... well i can clearly see that Lacey is carrying know she is a healthy weight but have put calcium in a small lid in there home i was told she will take as she pleases also brought a few pinkies for her. i have also put moist sphagnum moss in a betterwear tub, cut a hole for her to get in and out the laying area to be placed over there heat Matt or in the cool area?? and will it bother Lacey that Lenny goes in there??

Many Thanks.....

Hello Jade,

The lay area doesn't necessarily need to be over the heat mat, no.  You will want to incubate the eggs outside of the tank.
As long as the lay area is easy to get into then anywhere is fine.  Lenny might disturb her if he goes or tries to go in there when she is laying.  Or he may just leave her alone, it is hard to know yet.
The pinkies may be too large for her, so be careful that she does not become impacted from them.
Make sure she gets adequate calcium & fluids during this time, also.

Let me know how she is doing.
