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irian jaya carpet python

22 11:49:26

QUESTION: i have an Irian jaya carpet python that's 6 years old in a 75 gallon tank with a screened top with a 150w heat lamp on top of 1 side, i also have a fountain on the other side  which has been spilling water on to the bark,i have a water dish opposite the fountain, in between I have a climbing branch and a hide under it, my snake stays in the hide most of the time, At night she sits under the heat lamp, i noticed her scales were a bit flaky I'm worried that its too dry, maybe not humid enough,also about 4 months ago she had mites ,they've been gone for about 2 months now. i used an iodine  and water soak and mineral oil to treat them also disinfecting the tank, i put her in a separate tank while disinfecting the other so as not to reinfect, I'm not sure if i should be worried about the flaking? she shed about a 5 weeks ago so maybe shes going to shed? shes eating normal,and is acting normal as well, thank you for your help

ANSWER: Hi Rayna,

If you are noticing small bits of skin and what may look like individual scales then it is likely the remaining affects of the mineral oil application.

Mineral oil is a safe, non-toxic method of dealing with mites ( can be a bit messy!) but it affects the integrity of the outer skin. This does not harm the snake but the result is that the following shed (or two) comes off in small fragments. The first shed after the treatment is usually the worst. It can end up looking like fish scales all over the enclosure! Did you notice any of this flaking with the first post-treatment shed?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Shes shed twice since and i've had to soak her in the tub both times  I I havent noticed this before, its been only in the past week, I chaned the buld to a 100w thinking it was maybe too hot, she tends to poop inthe tub, I try to give her a bath once a week just to ensure shes gettimg enough water, the scales look raised and when I touch her they come off,  her first shed did come off in pieces but nothing like this what do u think? And thanks so much forsyour help

Hi Rayna,

Your description of the scales coming off to your touch still sounds more consistent with the oil induced shedding problems rather then those related to low humidity.

With low humidity, the snakes go through the usual visual stages of cloudy/clearing eyes but when the actual shedding process begins the skin tears and rips rather then coming off in one solid piece. Prior to shedding there is normally a thin layer of moisture between the old and new skin that helps separate them. With low humidity or dehydration this layer is reduced and the two layers adhere abnormally to each other. When the cause is low humidity the problem is old skin adhering to your snake, rather then coming off easily to the touch as you described.

There are systemic conditions, like infection and organ failure that can also cause shedding issues. Your snake is eating and behaving normally so those seem unlikely but are something to  keep in mind if the situation continues.