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Too thin Leopard Gecko

22 14:01:52

Hello Tracie,

My leopard gecko is really really thin and I don't know what to do! She's just skin and bones now! We think it's because she went from living in a small terrarium to living in a big one... but that's not the point. My question is: What can I feed her to help her regain her weight and health? We already tried silk worms, but they don't seem to help much and we tried putting her in a small enclosure but she doesn't seem to have the energy to hunt! Please PLEASE help me!


Hello Jocelyn,

How much larger is the tank you put her in from the other one?  Leopard geckos do not like change at all & they tend not to adjust well to changes.  She has probably just stressed herself out so badly that her parasite & worm levels have exceeded what they should be & that is one reason why she is not eating.
I think you should probably either try to get a fecal done on her.  If that is not possible, I can direct you to where you can get some panacur online without a prescription & then I will dose it for you.
You will need to get some chicken or turkey babyfood & mix some calcium & vitamins in with it, daily.  The plastic syringes work very well to feed them with, & you can get those from a drug store.  You will probably have to assist feed her for awhile if she is that thin right now & not feeding on her own.  You could get some bee pollen to help with her appetite.  Or there is a formula called "Jumpstart" that helps stimulate the appetite that you mix in with the babyfood.
Is her tail getting thin as well?
Here is a site where you can get the Jumpstart if you wanted to look into buying it.  Petco has it online but I have not seen it in the actual store, physically.  You could check into that if you don't want to buy anything online.
