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what tree branches to use for iguana habitat

22 13:29:58

hi, my iguana outgrown the branches it had, so i had to put bigger ones. i use eucalyptus branches, is that all right with him?, should i do something to the branches before he uses them?.  

Hi Monica,

The numerous sites devoted to safe parrot keeping are an excellent resource for lists of toxic woods and plants. Birds are much more prone to possible toxins due to their small size and inclination to chew their perches. I have linked a few sites here that list safe and unsafe woods. Eucalyptus is included in the safe lists. As one site mentions, Eucalyptus does occasionally show up on a toxic list but that is likely due to the oils, seeds and leaves rather then the wood itself.

Make sure any wood is free of pesticides etc before use. The last site suggests a method for treating natural wood that will prevent you from introducing pests or parasites into your enclosure.