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My Emerald Swift Wont Eat

22 14:43:34

My emerald swift used to be a big eater and now he hides in the substrate all day and wont eat anything I put in his cage. Now he closes his eyes whenever I put a worm near him.

Hi Cherie, The timing of this change would suggest that he may be going into his winter slow down period. It is somewhat similar to hibernation in mammals. Even lizards and snakes kept under artificial heating and lighting will respond to the shorter days and barometric pressure changes of fall and winter. Reptiles entering this seasonal phase typically refuse food, remain in the cool end of the enclosure and sleep alot. They will frequently burrow if that is part of their natural behaviour. A simple and fairly reliable test to tell the difference between this normal behaviour and a clinical illness is to pick your swift up. If he seems bright and alert and normal  in your hand then that's a good sign that he is fine. Winter slowdown should not be accompanied by any signs of illness like dramatic weight loss, sunken eyes or abnormal stools. If you notice any of these signs then I would suggest having a stool sample checked by your vet. Emerald swifts are still often wild-caught for the pet trade and they often come in with intestinal parasites.