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Is my fire bellied toad pregnant

22 14:40:23

hi thea.I have 2 fire bellied toad and a couple of days ago i heard them barking and they have been barking every night since. When i go over to their tank i see the male hanging on to the females legs and now my female is very fat on the sides and is spending A LOT more time on the land even though i have cleaned the water multiple times in case that is the problem but i don't think it is because it still stays on land it is also very fat on the sides.if it is pregnant then how will i know and how many eggs does it have please tell me i am only 13:)

Hi Michael, First of all we have to figure out if you actually have a male and female. If you heard them both calling rather then just one then you have two males. When male fire bellied toads become interested in breeding they will grab onto anything including other males. Usually in that case the second male will try to get away. It is a bit early in the season for them to be breeding. They usually start closer to spring. The longer days, warmer temperatures and change in air pressure triggers the breeding behaviour.  The females lay the eggs in shallow water and like to deposit them on plant leaves or rocks. They can lay just a few dozen or up to over two hundred! They usually lay them in batches here and there rather then all at once. It is best to remove the eggs to separate small tank to hatch which will happen about a week after. The adults will likely eat the tadpoles if they stay in the same enclosure.

Even if your frogs are not breeding just yet, they may in few months if they are old enough. If they are calling and attempting to mate then that it a good sign that they are healthy, it sounds like you are taking good care of them.