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My dragons are fighting

22 11:50:46

QUESTION: Hey Tracie it's been a while, how are you?

Well, lately Lizzie the female whcih is a little bit bigger than Snoopy the male has been charging him and biting him for no reason,or maybe because of domininance.This has never happened before.Lizzie has never behaved like this before since last week.She was always sweet and calm.They are both really hyper running around inside the tank and in my room like maniacs which I'm assuming thats good reagarding their health.The problem is that they are recently having trouble tolerating each other.They sometimes both bob and do push ups towards each other but Snoopy doesn't seem to approach Lizzie to mate.Now I'm keeping them seperate for harm prevention by taking turns with one out in my room and the other inside the tank .Tracie,. what should I do?Should I get another tank and house them seperately or what can be the problem

ANSWER: Hello Antone,

How are you?  
Are you housing them separatly now?  
Are you sure that Lizzie is not a male also?  It sounds like you have 2 males, unless Snoopy is trying to mate with Lizzie as sometimes it can get a little aggressive.  
However, it sounds more ilke two males fighting for territory.

Definitely get another tank & house them separately in case they are both males.  One could end up badly injured, or worse.  
It is good to hear that they are both so active though!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Well Lizzie is definitly not a male because I saw for myself her laying her very first clutches with Spikes.The eggs didn't make it though,they were not in it's perfect form and most eggs looked sucked in so a former associate from a pet shop who really knows about dragons threw them away right in front of me.I heard that it's very difficult for the eggs to survive during her first clutches of eggs.Also I'm pretty sure snoopy is a male because he has his pores under his legs.I will see if they are trying to mate but if it gets too aggressive,I will seperate them.

ANSWER: Hello Antone,

I would separate them because he will over breed her & stress her too much.  This happens a lot with housing males & females together.  I would hate for one of them to get injured.
The first clutch is not always successful, it depends a lot on the condition of the mother.
She really should not be bred until she is at least 2 years of age.
The femoral pores are a pretty good indication of gender.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,

How would I know if they have mated before or if they are mating more than once because I can't realize that during the time I'm not watching or being with them? How can I know if Lizzie is getting too stressed out or if Snoopy wants to mate over and over again if they had before which I'm not sure? Lately,the times I've been watching them housed together and all they do is have a temporarily aggressive momment biting each other with little unharmful bites with them inflating,having black beards ,tails wiggling,bobbing,push ups, Snoopy not letting her get on top of him anymore when she approaches him by doing the things I've mentioned perviously.Sometimes he hisses at her or opens his mouth to her while being puffed up,but they really don't get too aggresive for too long.They fight on and off sometimes keeping them apart from each other or sometimes they are together just face to face with each other just staring at one another for a long time.Then they end up sleeping real close to each other or one on top of the other.Lol. It's like a married couple who argues and fight alot and then at the end of the day they are all cuddled up back together again.

Well Tracie,what do you think it can be?

Hello Antone,

Unless you see them mating, you can't be sure.  However, anytime you house a male & female together, they will inevitably mate at one point or another.  Also, it is usually not a good idea to house them together as the male will overbreed the female, or they can fight & injure each other.  
It can be cute but during the day if one is trying to get on top of the other & it is not mating behavior then he or she is competing with the other, etc.  They compete with each other for the best basking spot & food.   
Do you have another tank you could set up for the other one?
Are they both eating well?  

If Lizzie starts to lose weight, or has a darker beard for prolonged periods of time then she is stressed from too much activity by the male.

Let me know how they are doing.
