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My beared dragon....

22 14:28:39

ok so i was cleaning my dragons cage as normal once a week, and he gets a bath durring this time not to long max of 15 min not too hot luke warm just the way he enjoys it, when i went totake him out he got VERY fussy,so i figured he wanted to stay a little longer i came back in about 5 min got him out and was carrying him to his cage when he fliped out on me he puffed up,opened his mouth and started to run in my hands althoguh he doesn't have very good balance[not sure why i got him from a rescue]i put em on the floor cause i was a lil creeped outand he just started to rn but my sleeping germandsheperad was a brier that was to big,  grabbed a towel and picked him up[ a little nervous i might add, and put him in his cage hes still puffed up and trying to escape... whats his deal?whats wrong?did i do something wrong? oh and he was outside to day with me while i was reading so he got some sun... hes pretty mellow dosent go anywhere just chills on my tummy.

Dear Bridget,
thank you for your question.
I know that behaviour from my own dragon, but I'm not sure what causes it. I assume that they do it because something scared them, like a movement they saw or changes in the light when they are moved from one room to the other. But usually they calm down fast and it doesn't cause them to be aggressive, just frightened. I wouldn't worry about it.

About the lack of balance: this may be an early sign of or a leftover from a vitamin D3-deficiency.
I hope I was of some help to you