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sick SA turtle needs immediate help!

22 14:42:01


I live in Albany, New York. About 14 months ago,
I bought two Snapping Alligator turtles, they were
hatchlings, just got out of the eggs. Until recently, they
were just fine. However, the female, have been climbing out
of water for quite some time which is unusual for this
kind of turtles which are 100
aquatic. She also eats very little for quite some time. The male, in contrast eats much more and is much bigger and stronger now then she is.
Needless to say,
this morning I took her out of the water with my hands and i noticed, that her skin on breasts and legs is coming off,
exposing bare meat, and bleeding. I suspect, that there is some kind of infection and she needs immediate treatment, may be with some kind of antibiotic? She is also visibly
weak, although, still strong enough to regularly peer out
of the water and breath.
Yesterday, though she was still eating little pieces of
salmon, I gave the sickness came as surprise
this morning to me!
I called all local, and not that
local animal emergency clinics and none of them agreed to help me. I can't find local veterinarian specializing in this kind of animal.
Can you give me any kind of help, or otherwise I
will be most likely watching her dying...without having a clue how to help her? Thanks, for a quick response. If
you have some immediate information for me please, call me at my home phone at: (518)724-3744.
Thanks in advance for any help you could give me!
                    Regards, Marek,

I am sorry I just found your question in the pool. I am sorry if nobody else was capable of helping you in some way. If she is still alive I will do what I can. This sounds fatal though without some serious veterinary intervention. Is the reason that no vet will treat because they are Alligator snappers? Are they protected or regulated by permit in NY? In many states they are.

First thing to do is segregate her from your other turtles. You don't know yet if this is a pathogen. If you still require assistance. contact me directly at and include every single husbandry detail you can think of.
