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Leopard gecko not eating / regurgitating

22 13:36:01

Hi, we got our Leo about a week ago and since then I have not seen him eating much at all. I did see him eat one cricket but he then later regurgitated it. Could it be due to the move?
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Declan,

Reptiles can regurgitate for a number of reasons but the most common causes are temperature and prey size. Your leo needs a basking spot temperature of 85 - 90 F (29 - 32 C) which you really need to verify with a thermometer. Sub optimal temperatures will reduce the appetite of reptiles and also not allow them to properly digest their meals, resulting in regurgitation.
Overly large prey presents the same problem. If you leo is young the crickets should be no longer then the space between his eyes. Younger crickets are more digestible due to their smaller size and lack of wings.
Re-location stress will often cause a lack of feeding in the first week or so but should not cause vomiting. Until he settles in and starts feeding well I would recommend keeping handling to a minimum as well.