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Hello my question isnt concerning...

22 15:10:22

Hello my question isnt concerning snakes but since there arent many experts in reptiles I thought I'd ask...........

I cant find a cover to fit my 33 gallon tank, even if I do I think it will be quite costly because a 10 gallon cover is twenty bucks, anyway I figure I'll make my own cover but was wondering what should I use? Wire window screen wouldnt be strong enough to support the lamps weight would it? would a fine wire for something like a homemade bird cage be good to use?

Not only are window screens weak, but they are (I think) usually made of plastic, so putting a 100 degree+ lamp on it probably wouldnt work for very long. However, anything made out of metal( I don't know what bird cage wire looks like) with holes small enough that your critter's head can't get through them, should be fine.
Remember, the only purpose of the cover is to keep the reptile in and other things out( i. e., cats,) so anything that can do that will be fine. (Also make sure that air can circulate freely.)
Also, I'm not sure if you're new to this or not, but in case you are, make sure the cover is securely down, especially if you have a snake. Since you are making your own, you will probably not be able to find clamps that fit, so the best idea would be to put something heavy( like a book) across the entire width of the cage( it should be supported by the edge of the tank, not the screen.) You might even want to put one at each end of the cage, as snakes are very good at escaping.
Hope this helps, and if you have any further questions feel free to ask.