Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > PLEASE HELP!!! My cat attacked my bearded dragon!!!

PLEASE HELP!!! My cat attacked my bearded dragon!!!

22 13:25:24

Okay so my poor bearded dragon got attacked by my cat! She is about 6-7 inches in all and my cat got her right between her head and neck and she had blood comming out of her ear. She had already stopped bleeding when I got to her and I immeadatly rinsed her under some water. I put her under her heat lamp to keep her warm. She hasn't drank or eaten anything since it happened and is breathing very deep and swallowing hard. It's been 2 days now and the wound is a cats k9 size and is just now starting to secreet some fluids. I don't really know what to do other than keeping the wound clean. She hasn't moved alot and I really want to help her. Some friends of mine said I could use neosporin on a gauze and wrap the wound but I'd like to hear it from a professional...please help asap

Hello Kristin,

I am sorry that your cat attacked your dragon.  
Yes, you can use neosporin or polysporin on the wound.  Does it appear to be getting infected at all?  Do you have a picture of her?
Is her beard blackened continously?  She may still be in shock form the attack.  It will take her some time to recover but I would watch the wound to make sure it doesn't get infected.  
If she is not eating, you can get some chicken or turkey baby food to feed to her through a syringe.  You can add some squash baby food, also.

Let me know how she is doing.