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eye problems in bearded dragon

22 11:53:02

 We have a 20 month old bearded dragon. He came to us with only one eye when he was as big as my finger. Now, his good eye is swollen and basically he is blind right now. I don't know what to do. He is in a 3'enclosure (55 gallon?) with a repti glo 10.0 UVB and a basking light. He has a 'tree' to lay on to be closer to the heat source. I am VERY worried about his eye.  What should I do?

At this point the best thing you can do is take him to the vet as it sounds like he has some sort of infection which will require veterinary care. Until you can get him in I would suggest rinsing his eye with saline solution. I'm sorry I can't help more.
Please let me know how he does,