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Bearded Dragon foot problem

22 14:26:46

My male is a teenager and has a swollen foot. I thought he was shedding and pulled gently to find that his whole toe would peel off if I continued! I don't know what transpired for this to occur. Reading all the profiles I know he needs to see a vet and will most likely be put on Antibiotics, I need help finding an inexpensive vet and knowledgeable one at best! Please help he and my female are my babies, I've already lost one and don't want to loose another. I live In Colorado Springs, CO. When I purchased them I was not told any of the things I have learned on the internet!! Please help... Thanks, Tina

Here is a link to a vet recommended by other reptile owners.  This one sounds very good.  As far as the cost, you'd have to call and ask, but intial exams are always most expensive no matter where you go.