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anoles-heat lamps

22 13:26:58

okay so i have a little female green anole. a friend of mine who has had a lizard before states she needs a heat lamp and a black light for the night or she'll die. i currently have a 10 gallan turtle tank with a light in it.The pet store i bought him from said it was fine. Is this true. I also have dirt that i bought thats supossed to add heat for her. Is stevey going to die or will she be fine. Also how big will she grow???

She definitely needs to be warm, and should always be at least in the mid 70's, ideally low 80's. She really should have a gradient so she can move between warm and cooler to thermoregulate, and properly digest food.

She will probably not DIE if she goes to room temperature at night, but she certainly won't be as happy and healthy as if she had more of a regulated temperature.

She should end up around 5-6 inches long.