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Ornate Box Turtles

22 14:45:49


I have 2 ornate box turtles (Missouri) and they stay in an outside turtle run.  They hibernate in the winter and it's so wonderful to see them in the spring!  We always worry when they hibernate in the winter.  I have had my babies for over 6 years.  They appear to be happy, healthy, they get along good, they eat well, etc... I have a question about top soil.  I recently bought Scotts top soil and I know on the package it said to wear gloves (I didn't, foolish of me) but I thought I was just going to add the extra dirt in the outside turtle run and spread the dirt with a shovel but I ended up getting the dirt on my hands and arms and my skin was irritated (redness and itchiness) so I scrubbed my hands when I got in the house and now for the past week I have been feeling itchy on my hands/arms all over my body and wondering if it was from the top soil or if I have so allergies going on. I am not known to have allergies but what I am getting at, is this particular brand top soil safe for my turtles?  Could they get a reaction to their eyes?  I didn't get top soil with fertilizer, just regular Scotts top soil - was like $1.50 a bag.  If you think I should take the dirt out, I will.  What I was using before was just regular top soil (about a $1.00 a bag) at Walmart for the last 6 years.

I have never given my turtles Vit A drops.  What's your opinion?  Do they really need it?  What did they do in the wild for Vitamin A?

They are always out basking in the sun to get the Vit D.  They have places to hide if it gets too hot for them.

I have discovered 2 chipmunks that run in and out of the turtle run and now I see chipmunk holes in there and the other day it looked like a squirrel was trying to get in.  Can chipmunks/squirrels harm turtles?  I see the turtles freak out sometimes when the chipmunks are in there.  They pull their heads in fast.  Our enclosure has chicken wire on top of it.  In the winter we cover the enclosure with heavy plastic to protect from flooding, rain and snow.

Will appreciate any help or advice you can provide me.  

Thank you!


Hi Nancy! I love Ornate boxies! They have so much character and personality. It sound like you have a great set up for your turtles. I don't have my Ornate boxie yet, as I don't have a great outdoor place to keep one, and that really is the only way to do it if the turtle is to thrive. I am fairly sure that the top soil is okay for the turtles, but maybe not for you. :) If you have mold allergies, even undiagnosed, bagged soil can be nasty. I looked up the regular Scott's brand soil, and it doesn't list anything that would concern me for the turtles.
 As for the Vitamin A drops, don't do it! As long as the turtles are getting a multi vitamin supplement, a varied and balanced diet, and some calcium in the form of cuttlebone or powder, Vitamin A drops can be harmful instead of helpful. If you are concerned about your boxies being Vitamin A deficient, they can have carrots, sweet potatoes, or Mango a couple times a week. Vitamin A too much (toxicity) or not enough (malnourished), is a fairly common problem for turtles. it's a fine line, that I feel is best adhered to by feeding a healthy diet and a good multi vitamin supplement.
 The squirrels and chipmunks should leave the turts alone. Many other animals can be problems, but they are shouldn't be. The turtles just sense quick movement in their peripheral vision, and tuck! It sounds like they have a great situation with you, what lucky little boxies! Thanks for your questions! Nicole