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Eating problem

22 13:59:15

I have a common garden skink which will not eat the crickets i bought for him.
i do not have a heat lamp does this effect it.
i caught him 3 days ago so do you think he could of eaten then.
or maybe he just isn't hungry.
Why wont he eat?

 Wild caught reptiles just don't do as well in captivity as captive bred animals first of all.  Reptiles go through a period of relocation stress that will cause a rise in gut parasites, more so in wild caught, and will need a vet for proper treatment.  And unless you can recreate an environment that he's used to, with good lighting, a good UVB source and an enclosure that gives him some territory you should consider letting him go and perhaps contacting a herpetological society to find possible reptile rescues that have captive bred animals needing a good home.