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i was wondering...

22 13:25:23

i was wondering if you could use something other than a terrarium to keep a horny toad? could you answer that????

To be very technical you would keep a horny toad in a vivarium rather than terrarium, but basically any enclosure you use to keep it in can be considered a vivarium.  So, not really.

I highly recommend doing plenty of research before attempting to keep a horny toad.  These lizards are delicate, and they aren't known for their ability to adapt well to captivity.  It is often necessary to make ants a staple part of their diet, if they are to survive.  They also have high UVB light and heat requirements.

If you are new to lizards, and really want one for a pet, I recommend not catching a horny toad (or, if you have one, releasing it where it was caught).  Instead, get a book, and all of the necessary equipment, and then get a captive-bred leopard gecko.  They come in a vast array of color and pattern mutations, they accept handling well, and they are long-lived and easy to care for.

If you meant something other than a glass tank, yes--you can get reptile cages made of plastic, as well.  It will need to be of the correct size, and have a mesh top.  Horned lizards will require a special UVB producing reptile light, as well as controlled heat--leopard geckos only require the heat.  Leopard geckos can also be kept in plastic tupperware containers--again, with controlled heat provided by an undertank heat pad or heat rope, connected to a thermostat or rheostat.  Horny toads cannot, due to their need for UVB.  Glass and plastic block most UVB light, and screen blocks some as well, so that limits the type of cage you can keep them in.