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leopard Gecko queston

22 13:51:44

Hi I am thinking of getting either a crested gecko or leopard gecko. I'm having trouble deciding I've done lots of research on crested gecko care but the Leopard gecko kind catches my eye.  do you have any advice on care for leopard geckos that makes me understand the care for this animal.

Hello Jacob,

Oh, leopard geckos are tons of fun, & really pretty easy.  Is this your first reptile, or not?
The recommended tank size is a 20 gallon tank so he or she has a good amount of room.  They need a basking light to be used in combination with an undertank heater.  The basking light should be used for a 12 hour period but the undertank heater needs to be left on 24/7 since they do need belly heat to help digest their food.  
It is a good idea to put a moist humid hide on top of the under tank heater.  Using spaghnum moss is good to use in the hide/cave because it helps to retain moisture to help with shedding.  
Using a low output UVB light is beneficial for all geckos, though a lot of people do not use them.  
They need a basking spot of around 88-90 as well.  I would not house any geckos on loose substrate, especially the calcium based sands as they do tend to impact them relatively easily.
The crested gecko's care is practically the same, but they tend to need a little stronger UVB source.  Their basking spot is around the same temperature, as well.

So, it really boils down to which gecko's look you like better.  :-))
