Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Adult Leo

Adult Leo

22 13:31:43

QUESTION: Hi Tracie you helped me a few years ago when I just got my baby leo,Well she's all grown up and is about 2-3 years in age. Shes been doing great until just this past week. She will not eat for me, her usually diet is wax worms,I know those aren't good for her but she just wouldn't eat anything else. Well anyways she wont eat anything,Ive tried crickets,mealworms,wax worms everything. She wont eat,I have everything the same,the heat pad and everything. Please if you can help me in any way,Im afraid she may pass. Thank you.

ANSWER: Hello Taylor,

Is she losing any weight right now?   Is her tail fat still?  
Has she ever laid any infertile eggs?  It is a possibility that she might have a few eggs.  How long has it been since she has eaten?
Maybe you could post a picture of her for me.  I hope we get this figured out.  
You could try some chicken, turkey or beef baby food for her, to see if that might help her appetite.  Just use a plastic dropper or plastic syringe by dripping the food onto the end of her nose & letting her lick it off of the end of her nose.

Let me know how she is.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She doesn't look like she has lost any weight,Her tail is still fat as with her body. I took her out of the cage yesterday and she was still very active with me,She wanted to climb all over me and gave up a fight when I was trying to pick her up (thats normal for her). When I did pick her up she did feel a little cool,But the heat pad is set at the same temp it has been,But she never lays on that side where its heated,She always lays in this rock thats not on the heated side of the cage. I just turned back on her basking light and uv light to see if that would help,She still wont eat. but she is still using the restroom.  Theres no chance shes pregnet because shes the only lizard I have. Please let me know if you need any more details.

Hello Taylor,

Well, even though she is the only gecko you have, females can & do lay infertile eggs all of the time.  So, it could be a possibility she might lay infertile eggs some day.
That is good however, her weight is holding steady & her tail is fat which are good signs of health.  
The extra heating from the basking light should help.  Remember she does need a warmer end of around 88-90, so I would keep the basking light on for most of the day.  Which UVB light are you using?  
