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My new best friend

22 13:57:08

I have my new beardie and his name is Karma. I have him in a 60 gallon tank, but halfway blocked off for the time being. Today is day three, and for the past two days he has been eating consistently but today hasn't eaten anything. The basking site is at 90-93 and the cool area is a solid 80-83. The air temp in my cool end is roughly 80, and my basking zone is 90. I have put veggies out all day, and feed crickets and mealworms. Do bearded dragons eat everyday or should I press the panic button?? Any advice will ease my soul.

 He may be going through a delayed reaction relocation stress.  This is normal.  Just leave a well minced salad of collard green, dandelion, and mustard greens with a small dollop of baby food butternut squash every day, and mist him and the salad with water a few times a day so he'll stay hydrated.  A healthy beardie will start eating again in a few days.  After two weeks, have him seen by a good reptile veterinarian for a well-baby check-up and a fecal test.  Stress will cause a rise in parasites in their digestive tracts so he may need treatment.